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Breeder Referrals

Smooth Fox Terriers                                       Wire Fox Terriers
Conrad, Doris
Cummings, Steve, Krista & Rachael                     Raggett, Mary
Confetti Smooth Fox Terriers                               Edenshire Wire Fox Terriers
Arlington, TN                                                      mcraggett@aol.com
Harbin, Alisha (DVM), Lawrence, Nancy
Windkist...Smooth Fox Terriers and Collies
Herriman, Janet, Allen, Candi, & Brewer, Natalie
Elite Smooth Fox Terriers
Cordova, TN
Hughes, Elizabeth
Wicklow Smooth Fox Terriers
Kelley, Charles
Matthews, Traci
Tocoa Smooth Fox Terriers
Pucci, Suzanne
Smith, Jill
McGypsi Smooth Fox Terriers
Wright, Julie
Yon, Sharon